Pocatello/Chubbuck School District Announces Review of Enrollment and Attendance Areas
The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 has initiated a review of its enrollment and attendance areas to address recent shifts in district-wide enrollment. The district is committed to ensuring that school facilities are used efficiently and that student enrollment aligns with the capacity of each building to maintain a high-quality educational environment.
To tackle these evolving challenges, the district has formed two sub-committees. The purpose of the committees is to review the district’s elementary and middle school attendance and enrollment areas, provide input, analyze data, and advise the Board to inform any decision-making impacting PCSD 25’s enrollment and attendance areas.
Committee Goals:
- Address decline in district-wide enrollment.
- Maximize use of district resources.
- Develop recommendations/options to provide to PCSD 25 Board of Trustees.
Guiding Principles:
- Optimizing Capacity – Balance populations and make best use of available space.
- Equitable Access – Provide fair access to educational programs and facilities.
- Minimize Disruptions – Prioritize continuity of educational services for learners and families.
- Maintain Efficiency – Consider travel time and middle school feeders.
- Future Needs and Considerations – Planning for future changes and needs.
Elementary Sub-Committee: Comprised of 13 members, including the Director of Elementary Education, two teachers, one parent from each of five geographical areas within the district, two randomly selected parents, and three elementary school administrators.
Middle School Sub-Committee: Comprised of 15 members, including the Director of Secondary Education, two teachers, and two parents and one administrator representing each middle school.
The enrollment and attendance committees will meet on the following dates:
- Oct 14, 21 and 28; Nov 4 and 11
- Additional meetings scheduled as needed
Staff, parents and community members who are not serving on the committees may have an opportunity to contribute through focus groups later in the process.
The sub-committees will meet to review relevant data and information before combining efforts to share insights and develop recommendations for the Board of Trustees. Following this, the Board will review the suggestions and host focus groups for additional community input. The district will also schedule a public hearing to provide another opportunity for community members to voice their perspectives before any final action is taken.
High School Enrollment and Attendance Areas: Due to the complexity and sensitive timing needs of academic planning and master scheduling, the review of high school enrollment and attendance areas will begin in the spring of 2025 with committee work continuing into the fall. The timeline for decision-making will be communicated to the public prior to the formation of the high school enrollment and attendance area subcommittee.
PCSD 25 looks forward to working closely with the community to develop well-informed recommendations that will support the district’s long-term goals and ensure continued educational excellence. Updates will be provided throughout the process on Enrollment & Attendance Areas website.